
Provision of Partnership to Develop and Implement Join Projects for Health Systems Strengthening and Disease Management

Peluang Oleh United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Topik Peluang Kesehatan
Deadline: 17 July, 2024


The annual World Health Assembly (WHA77) met in Geneva in May 2024 and all 194 member states of WHO approved its 14th General Programme of Work (GPW14), the strategy that guides the work of Ministries of Health and the WHO Secretariat for the next four years.

Today’s public health challenges require multi sectoral, multi disciplinary solutions. WHO highlights that “half the world’s population is still not fully covered by essential health services. Two billion people face financial hardship or are impoverished by out-of-pocket health spending. Every year, 17 million people die prematurely from preventable noncommunicable diseases; obesity rates have skyrocketed; Antimicrobial resistance threatens to unwind a century of medical progress; And air pollution and climate change are jeopardising the very habitability of the planet on which all life depends”.

The need for partnerships

A collaborative partnership is defined as an agreement UNOPS enters into with a partner to share benefits, costs and risk in relation to joint activity. This is a voluntary arrangement, in which all parties involved agree to work together for a defined period to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task. The main purpose of this collaborative agreement will be to ‘pursue a range of joint resource mobilization opportunities, that is, when UNOPS enters into an agreement with a partner to mobilize partners core competencies (for example skills, expertise, technology, networks) that augment UNOPS' capacity in order to pursue together multiple joint project opportunities over a prolonged period of time.

Health is a critical component of human and sustainable economic development. UNOPS focuses on expanding the implementation capacity of its partners in health in support of national health priorities and objectives to improve public health outcomes, by addressing healthcare infrastructure gaps, enhancing maternal and child health, responding to public health emergencies, increasing equitable healthcare access, and supporting capacity building and training. UNOPS leverages global expertise to provide innovative solutions and efficient project management, while partnering with multiple stakeholders to mobilize resources and coordinate efforts for greater impact in the health sector. UNOPS can play a key supporting role in ensuring healthier populations and contributing to economic and social development.

UNOPS is seeking to enter into partnerships with not-for-profit organizations to jointly mobilise resources for the design and implementation of joint projects. Specifically UNOPS is seeking partners with robust technical expertise in the health sector, encompassing areas such as health system strengthening, infection prevention and control (IPC), Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), one health, surveillance system enhancement, diagnostics, and pandemic preparedness and other relevant health domains across Asia and the Pacific. These technical needs are further outlined in section 4.

This RFP is an invitation to treat and shall not be construed as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal or restitutionary rights. It is envisaged that a number of contractual modalities be used throughout the course of the partnership including a Collaborative Partnership Agreement, a Teaming Agreement and Grant Award Agreement. See Annex 1 for more details.


The primary objectives of this partnership includes:

Collaboratively develop proposals for implementing projects/programmes responding to health needs defined by countries in Asia and the Pacific

Implement joint projects/programmes based on the agreed expertise, by each party, outlined in these proposals .

Establish partnership mapping, business intelligence and stakeholder engagement, fostering mutual knowledge sharing spaces among UNOPS, the partner(s) and stakeholders.


Electronic submissions must be sent with the Completed ‘Proposal form’ reference number and title in the subject field as follows: “RFP Ref No: CP-00X-2024”. For submissions via email, the receipt time stamp shall be the date and time where the email has been received in the dedicated UNOPS inbox. UNOPS shall not be responsible for any delays caused by network problems etc. It is the sole responsibility of interested partners to ensure that their documentation is received by UNOPS in the dedicated inbox on or before the prescribed deadline.

Deadline on:17-Jul-2024 00:00 (GMT 00.00)

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